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Minecraft 1.9.9 Launcher

Yesterday I tried to install forge 1.12.2 to use some mods, but when I opened up my launcher (I'm using the official Minecraft launcher) It wasn't showing up. I had installed a version of 1.14.3 forge previously, and it had shown up both automatically in the launcher and within the version drop down menu (1.12.2 wasn't showing up in either) I've tried both the installer and windows installer versions of 1.12.2 -, 1.12.2 - and 1.12.2 - (all from the official forge website). The 1.12.2 forge versions are showing up within the versions folder, but each 1.12.2 forge version i have installed does not contain the executable jar file (which every other version (including 1.14.3 forge) contains) I have looked through other posts within this forum but none of them have been helpful (though I have seen a few people with similar issues). I also have the latest version of java installed, and I have played basic 1.12.2 previously. If you need anymore information please let me know, I will also attach screenshots to try to help. I encountered this problem today with Forge versions 1.12.2 and 1.12.

Minecraft 1.9.9 Launcher Download

Including a not so great workaround below for the community.Use Case:As a parent I am attempting to install a mod (Tektopia) for my son and need to use Forge 1.12.2 as required by the Tektopia install guide.Minecraft Java Edition - Launcher 2.1.5964 is being used as the clientProblem Description:.Downloaded Forge 1.12.2 and install per the installation guide (which really is just a copy of the standard installation instructions for the Forge client).Install Forge 1.12.2 using the client option and making sure to verify that the installation path is correct. I'm mostly new to modding with Forge (at least this time I'm trying to take it more seriously) and for the most part I've been able to do some research and come up with answers for questions as they arise.

However I've been stumped trying to figure out how to modify the inventory of an existing vanilla entity. The goal is to add a third inventory slot to the horse inventory though I'm unsure how to proceed. At the moment I've handled the capabilities just fine and they're registered on the horse but that doesn't get me all too far in that there's no slot to interact with in order to modify that capability.I've looked into mods that manipulate the player inventory to add slots (Baubles notably) though because the mod was last updated for Forge 1.11, the source isn't all too useful to me. Not to mention that modifying a player inventory is slightly different than a horse inventory as far as I can tell. My thoughts on how to tackle this issue thus far have been toListen for the GuiOpenEvent. Set the GUI to one of mine own that extends HorseInventoryScreen (and consequently pass one that extends HorseInventoryContainer) - though this sounds like mod incompatibility hell. Manipulate the existing GUI using reflection to access the container and add a slot.

This is client-sided only so the server would not like me very muchNeither of the above seem to solve my issue although I've not attempted the first in fear that my mod will not remain compatible with other mods. Is there a more fluid or a proper way of actually achieving this?

I'm working with Forge 28.1.96 as of writing this thread though I do need to update, or even just revert to a stable build. Any guidance would be much appreciated. Those are two things:1) A library is a set of widely used common functionality (Math is a good example, as is LWJL)2) An API is a collection of exposed objects and interfaces that allow other programs/code to interface with another program/code without having to expose (make public) the implementation or source. An API is a contract that says, 'I solemnly swear that these methods exist and do what the documentation says they do.' You just do.I have one.

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I'm the only one using it, but I have it. It also happens to be both a library (I put my registry handlers in it) and an API (it is where I expose the interfaces for my capabilities).