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Dark Souls Tomb Of The Giants Light

Tomb of the giants

Tomb Of The Giants


Dark Souls Tomb Of The Giants Light Switch

Skull Lantern of the Catacombs necromancer. Droops from his long beard locks. This lantern alights the Tomb of the Giants, Nito's light-devouring domain of death. Also serves as a fire damage strike weapon. Treasure from a corpse in the Tomb of the Giants, at the bottom of the pit where Patches kicks you into. You can also manually drop down past the Prism Stones to get into the pit. The Skull Lantern has one last effect unique to this light source within the Tomb of the Giants: when holding it out as if to block, a series of blue light orbs lining the walls become visible, which, when followed, lead the player to the tomb of Gravelord Nito. This does not occur when using Cast Light or the Sunlight Maggot. Overview Edit.

After saving Reah of Thorolund in one of two above ways, go past Patches and move forwards (if you made him to kick you down, talk to him to receive a gift). 1 Move along the right wall. You'll encounter probably the most horrible beast in the game - skeleton dogs. Try to kill them as fast as possible. It is best to keep them on average distance or stay behind them (which is not easy because you're fighting close to the edge). Their powerful combo attack can get through every block and can kill an experienced character.